Master Plan Update 2023

The 2023-2035 Newbury Master Plan Update is complete!

The Master Plan Update was adopted by the Newbury Planning Board on November 8, 2023.

Click HERE to read the final plan. Please note that the plan, with appendices, is nearly 300 pages so may take some time to download. Links to maps for the plan are listed below.

MAP LU-1. Land Uses

MAP LU-2. Regional Context

MAP LU-3. Zoning

MAP LU-4. Zoning Overlays

• MAP ED-1. Economic Development Recommendations (in development)

MAP H-1. Housing Inventory

• Map H-2. Housing Recommendations (in development - see Housing Production Plan)

• MAP NR-1. Open Space (in development)

MAP NR-2. Priority Habitat

MAP NR-3. Soils

MAP NR-4. Surficial Geology

MAP NR-5. Water Resources

MAP T-1. Transportation

Process of Public Input: Over the Spring and Summer of 2023, the public was invited to review the final draft plan and provide input in multiple ways. The draft that was reviewed previously can be found here. A Community Meeting was held at the library on June 29, 2023, with a presentation by Emily Innes, the Town's Master Plan Consultant. The presentation slides and full meeting video are available for viewing. In addition, a public survey was released and open for participation from May to late June. Survey results were shared with the Planning Board and the public at the Planning Board meeting on July 19, 2023. This document, Survey Results and Public Comments, also includes all of the public input received during the comment period up through July 14, 2023. (Public comments begin on page 35 of these slides.) During late summer, the Town's consultant and staff reviewed and fact-checked all comments, making edits as needed to the final document. This memo summarizes all changes made in September 2023. The Planning Board reviewed the final plan and voted to adopt it on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the development of the 2023 Master Plan Update!

Are you interested in implementation of the Newbury Master Plan? Please reach out to Select Board members, Planning Board members, and/or town planning staff with ideas and questions.